November 12, 2021 Mihoyo company, Shanghai China Dear Mr. Liu Wei I, Ananda Putra am writing this letter to you on behalf of Friends Digital Marketing and am writing to apologize for the customer service mistake that was made from our side. We hope that you will pardon this mistake and will continue to be a trusted customer like you have been for the last 5 years. On 1st May, you had registered a complaint at our customer care service about your connection not working due to payment issues. Our customer service agent had noted the issue as you had already made the complete payment but even inspite of that, your connection wasn’t switched on for about 10 days. We understand that you had to face inconvenience due to a technical confusion at our head office and we are extremely sorry that you had to go through this difficulty. As our token of apology we are waving off the total amount for the month of May and hope you will accept this. We are once agai...
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-letter of enquiry- [Date] 17 th October, 2021 [Address/to] Hoyolab industry 2134 Liu Wei Bali city [Salutation] Dear Sir [Opening] When we attended Bali fair, we visited your stand and we are very interested in the results of your invention technology [Focus] Assosciated with it, can we have a details of your products with sample, and the term of payment and price list. Beside it also can you give us details of discount and delivery time after an order. [Action] If the result are satisfactory and the terms can be agreed upon we will do a big order as soon as possible. [Closing] We look forward to receiving your reply soon [Complimentary close] Sincerely [Signature] Ananda Putrawan
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Cover Letter [Date] October 10 th , 2021 [Address] Mr. Liu Wei Mihoyo Ltd. Shanghai, CN [Situation] Dear Mr. Wei [Opening] I read about a Art media on Hoyolab website. [Focus] In job your posting you mention about hiring a art Media Specialist who understand art trend and the definition of art it self. My background from previous job is relevant to this. During my time in my old office, I manage to making art for what an art office needed. [Action] After I saw you job opening, I know i would be the perfect candidate for this job. I would be to discuss about my CV next week. [Closing] I hope I can hear anything from you soon. [ Complimentary Closing ] Sincerely Yours, [Signature] Ananda
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Jakarta, 1st September 2021 Dear Mr. Amber, I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Digital Marketing Officer for Mihoyo Ltd, effective September 5th 2021. I appreciate all the support and opportunities that have been provided during the last three years. I feel grateful for having been part of the team, and that you have encouraged me to pursue my personal growth objectives. Please let me know if I can be any assistance during this transition. I would be glad to help my best in order to keep the marketing plans going until you find the right successor. Sincerely, Ananda
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PENGANTAR ANIMASI DAN DESAIN GRAFIS MENGANALISA DESIGN PADA WEBSITE TRAVEL Nama : Ananda Putrawan Gunadi NPM : 10118692 Kelas : 3KA15 UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA ATA 2020/2021 a) Tugas Menganalisa design website Prinsip Desain Grafis dapat di jabarkan menjadi 5 1. Keseimbangan (balance) Sesuai namanya keseimbangan di sini berarti keseluruhan komponen-komponen desain harus tampil seimbang. Tidak berat sebelah. Desainer harus memadukan keseimbangan antara tulisan, warna, atau pun gambar sehingga tidak muncul kesan berat sebelah. Ada dua pangkal pokok yang dipakai dalam menerapkan keseimbangan, yaitu keseimbangan simetris dan asimetris. Di mana simetris berdasarkan pengukuran dari pusat yang menyebar ke arah sisi dan kanan. Sedangkan asimetris berarti pengaturan yang berbeda dengan berat benda yang sama di setiap halaman, 2. Kesatuan (unity) Kesatuan dalam prinsip desain ...
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standard operating procedure Pengertian SOP Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) adalah dokumen yang berkaitan dengan prosedur yang dilakukan secara kronologis untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil kerja yang paling efektif dari para pekerja dengan biaya yang serendah-rendahnya. SOP biasanya terdiri dari manfaat, kapan dibuat atau direvisi, metode penulisan prosedur, serta dilengkapi oleh bagan flowchart di bagian akhir. Setiap perusahaan bagaimanapun bentuk dan apapun jenisnya, membutuhkan sebuah panduan untuk menjalankan tugas dan fungsi setiap elemen atau unit perusahaan. Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) adalah sistem yang disusun untuk memudahkan, merapihkan dan menertibkan pekerjaan. Sistem ini berisi urutan proses melakukan pekerjaan dari awal sampai akhir. Tujuan dan Fungsi SOP Tujuan pembuatan SOP adalah untuk menjelaskan perincian atau standar yang tetap mengenai aktivitas pekerjaan yang berulang-ulang yang diseleng...